The comparative stylistic comparison between Ahmadbagh Komasi and moulavi Kurd in the mourn of their husbands

Document Type : Original Article


Persian Language and Literature Department, Faculty of Literature and Foreign Languages, Kurdistan University of Sanandaj


The elegy poem may be written in a variety of formats. In Arabic and Persian literature, the most dominant form of elegy poetry is the ode. In the Kurdish literary language, the Poets used Masnavi's template more. Ahmad Bag Kumasi and Mowlavi Kurd are two great poetry writers who have deep and emotional links with each other. In terms of poetry style and social thought, the relationship between these two poets is remarkable. In the present study, we examine the rhetorical, musical, linguistic and intellectual functions of the poets' based on the traditional three-level Stylistics study and we will illustrate the points of sharing and differences in the style of the two poets at different levels. we showed Firstly, the intellectual and linguistic link between Ahmad Beg and Molavi is visible. Secondly, both poets have been avoiding linguistic and rhetorical criticism. Third, unlike Arabic and Persian literature, the elegy poem’s format of Kurdish literature is often Masnavi and lacks traditional order. Fourth, the elegy poems of these poets are most beautiful and influential poets. The glory of the times and the expression of the goodness of the dead person is one of the main themes of these two poets' Poem themes.


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