Exploring Significant Issues on Punctuation: Definition, Analysis, and Categorization

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Linguistics, Carleton University, Canada

2 Department of Kurdish, Soran University, Iraqi Kurdistan


All different kinds of writings, and academic and wrings in particular, need an ordered system of punctuation. Oral tradition of language is sharply differentiated from the language of writing in terms of several significant factors, punctuation being one of them. The present study has been conducted to demonstrate the significance of punctuation in academic and bureaucratic texts. On the other hand, in the texts of creative literature including poetry and fiction, punctuation system doe not follow a fixed framework due to their nature; however, in academic writing the case id considerably distinguishable. As the present study demonstrates, punctuation is not supposed to be authorised in terms of the oral modes of language. It should rather be based on the structure and grammar of that language as well. Moreover, sentences include one or more words and they are all ended up with full stops. Although attempts have been made to conduct researches in the area of punctuation in Kurdish writing, punctuation in Kurdish does not follow a coherent and unified system.


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