The Semantic Analysis of PartowKermanshahi's"The Armenian" and Akhavan's"The Winter"

Document Type : Original Article


Lorestan u,Khoramabad. Lorestan, Iran


"The Winter" Among the songs of the Mahdi Akavan sales is the most famous; and in the Kurdish poems of Parto Kermanshahi the most famous is a poem known as "The Armenian". In this research, these two poems have been studied and analyzed from a conceptive and semiotic perspective. The results showed that Parto was influenced by "the winter" of Akhavan at the tow levels of general image and in signs of "The Armenian". In an outline, sheltering a homeless person at night to the Butler, asking him, distrust against the people, and fear of the environment, and at the semiotics level, the opposition of signs such as: Luli / Displaced, the Christian / The Armenian, Cup / Glass, and Like it, are common in two works,but at the semantic interpretation level, the signs that have made the Akhavan's poem more interpretable, are moreclear than the Parto's signs. However, the two Caplets of Partoare capable to interpretation. The distinction between the two works, are the freshness and humor of theParto's poem, against the seriousness of the Akhavan's Poem.


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