The “Open Text” Term in Kurdish Literary Criticism

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor of Kurdish Language and Literature, Sallahaddin University, Kurdistani Iraq


The “Open Text” is one of the frequently quoted terms in modern literary criticism. This term was firstly introduced by Italian novelists and critics, Embertto Eco. From Eco’s perspective, the term refers to the possibilities of the various interpretations of a text. The open text contains those literary texts that offer enormous interpretations and shift the text from its demonstrated meanings and interpretations. This term is post-structural in nature, and post-structuralism is of those critical literary approaches that praise the role of the reader in interpreting a text. This is related to the multiple readings of a text. The term stands as against the term “Close Text” which imposed a single unique reading and avoids the variety in interpretation. Nonetheless, some of the Kurd critics at the Literary Criticism Centre separated the Open Text from its original meaning which grantees the various interpretations of a text and used it in non-literary field. Thus, this study is a research regarding Criticism of two terms, “Open Text” and “Convergence of Literary Terms,” in Kurdish Criticism. This is why the term “Converge Text” is used for the text with combined aesthetic. This paper’s aim is to improve the true meaning and usage of the literary term “Open Text” in research in one hand, and to demonstrate the problems regarding this term in Kurdish literary criticism article and text.


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