Nali and the Self-Criticism of His Poetry

Document Type : Original Article


PhD in Persian Language and Literature, Independent Scholar


The expressions that a poet has stated about the poetry of himself can be one of the best ways to grasp his poetry and to distinguish its stylistic features from other poets. This sort of treatment, which is a mode of criticism, was common among classical poets, particularly when they have mentioned the prominences of their own poetry. Nali, like other great poets, has stated the quality of his own poetry in several verses and has attributed some features to it. His statements are illuminating in providing a better understanding of his poetry. The qualities that he has maintained contain both formal and contextual aspects. The most significant features he has expressed for the form of his poetry consist of “euphony,” “laconism” and “dressing up the meaning.” Nali, for contextual aspect of his poems, pointed to the sublime meanings and wisdoms. The results illustrates that Nali argues the necessity of both form and content for a good poem. In this regard, he has praised his own poetry and declared it as an instance for evolution of form and content.


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