A Comparative Study of Haft Peykar by Nezami Ganjavi and Bahram and Golandam in Kurdish Literature

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor of Kurdish Language and Literature, Mus Alparslan University, Turkey


The history of Iranian kings at east has been quoted and circulated in both written and oral form. The history of Bahram Goor one of the rolers of Sasanid government has been quoted in various ways. Nezami Ganjavi has pointed to Bahram Goor’s in Haft Peykar. This article is a comparative study of Haft Peykar by Nezami Ganjavi and the story of Bahram and Golandam in Kurdish literature. This story also has been addressed in Kurdish folklore in different ways. In this study, we compare Haft Peykar and Bahram and Golandam. In these literary works, different motives are observable. The power of the oral culture and the changing in a narration of a story catalyzed the comparison process. We shall also concentrate on the textual and oral culture and their influences on the plot of the work.


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