The Intertextual Relationship between Poems and Keepers

Document Type : Original Article


Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Urmia University, Iran


In this essay, after attempting to elaborate on the theoretical foundations of intertextuality and a brief account of the life of Mr. Haji Bakr, a distinguished Iraqi Persian poet, Haji Bakr, his link and connection to his sonnets are described in a descriptive-analytic way. And be analyzed.
In this essay, after attempting to elaborate on the theoretical foundations of intertextuality and a brief account of the life of Mr. Haji Bakr, a distinguished Iraqi Persian poet, Haji Bakr, his link and connection to his sonnets are described in a descriptive-analytic way. And be analyzed.
In this essay, after attempting to elaborate on the theoretical foundations of intertextuality and a brief account of the life of Mr. Haji Bakr, a distinguished Iraqi Persian poet, Haji Bakr, his link and connection to his sonnets are described in a descriptive-analytic way. And be analyzed.
In this essay, after attempting to elaborate on the theoretical foundations of intertextuality and a brief account of the life of Mr. Haji Bakr, a distinguished Iraqi Persian poet, Haji Bakr, his link and connection to his sonnets are described in a descriptive-analytic way. And be analyzed.


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