
Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Kurdistan, Iran


Contemporary Nali's Ahmad bin Mohammed Jadrawi said in the book of Najwa al-Fikr that Mullah Khazr Afandi Nali had come to Mecca in the year one and two and a half. Hadrawi quotes a 116-bit Arabic script from Nalin, which is written by Emir Mecca Abdullah bin Aoun. Reflecting on this story, and comparing it with some of the stories of the Nuri Court, one can gain valuable insights into the last years of Nali's life; Has found. The author of this article, who also wrote a Persian commentary on the story, has briefly explored the story in order to discover layers of Null's mental state and his life abroad. Only by reading this eulogy does Nalin find that the poet hesitated for a while to leave Mecca and asked to move to his birthplace or elsewhere, but in the end he was not satisfied with leaving Hijaz. However, a few years after writing this story for reasons that can be traced back to his Kurdish court, he traveled to Istanbul and immigrated to Istanbul and died there.


سه رچاوه کان
خؤشتاو، هیمن عومه ر (۲۰۱۷). تانی که به ان نامه کانی عوسمانید چند زانیارییه کی تازه . سوران: زانکوی سوران. سه جادی، عه لاته دین (۱۳۹۵). میژووی نهاد یابی کوردی. سته: بلاوکه ره وه ی کوردستان، چاپی
دوودم محه مه د، مه سعوود (۲۰۱۰). چه کیک له گولزاری نالی. هه ولیر: تاراس، چاپی ستههم نالی، مهلا خدری تو حمودی شاوه یسی میکایلی (۱۳۹۲). دیوانی نالی. لیکولینه وه و
البکدانه وه ی مه لا عه بدولکه ریمی موده ړریس و قاتیح عه بدولکه ریم. سنه: بلاو که ره وه ی کوردستان، چاپی نوههم.
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رجال القرن الثانی عشر والثالث عشر، قطعة منه. القسم الأول. دمشق: منشورات وزارة
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