Outstanding the Most Important Group of " isogloss boundary " in the Linguistic Species of the Northern Province of Ilam

Document Type : Original Article


1 MA in Linguistics, South Tehran PNU, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Linguistics, South Tehran PNU, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Linguistics, South Tehran PNU, Iran

4 MA in Sociology, University of Kurdistan, Iran


Current study aims to sketch an outstanding the Most Important Group of " isogloss boundary " of north regions of Ilam province. Having considered dialect varieties, endangered dialects, geographic distance, research shortcomings, as well as sampling of small villages, the study covers all 16 districts in four regions of Ilam north, namely Ilam, Ivan, Chardavol, and Sirvan. The research dialect sample consists 36 interviews in line with “The National Project of the Linguistic Atlas of Iran” questionnaire, containing 117 lexicon and three sentences. Current fieldwork enjoys aggregate analysis provided by RuG/L04 dialectometry and cartography online software, in order to illustrate the geographic distribution of dialect regions, and spatial distribution of phonetic, lexical, and syntactic varieties. The results showed that there are three major dialect groups, namely Laki, Lori and Southern-kurdish as well as six sub-dialects. The data analysis also revealed that a prominent isogloss boundary' distinguished the linguistic species in the north of Ilam province; the most important elements of this group are: two prominent phonetic alternation (alternation / h / and / x /, and alternation alternatives). / ᵻ / and / jæ /), seven spelling alternation (including pronunciations of baby, grandfather, daughter, "himself", "with ", "want", Continuous prefix) and a prominent syntactic alternation called the (ergative).


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