Morphim Problems and its Classification (Research in Syntax)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Kurdish Language and Literature, University of Salahadin, Erbil Iraq

2 Instructor of Kurdish Language and Literature, University of Salahadin, Erbil Iraq


The discovery of the morphology by the American scientist, Bloomfield, created a new movement in textual research and gave rise to a new branch of morphology and oblivion of the etymology and lexicology branches; It raised hopes in linguists that a criterion for meaning has been discovered that solves word problems. But if we look closely at the question of morpheme, the definition, structure and classification of morpheme, there are many shortcomings and many mistakes have been made by relying on Traditional Grammar. This has made it much more important to look at the appearance and the problems in the sound of the monologue and to forget its content and semantic aspect. This study discusses how the problem of morphology emerged. It also examines the efforts made to classify types and modify them, along with the problems that exist in the structure of the morpheme and, subsequently, the conformity and separation of the morpheme, the word and the types of letters.


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