A Comparative Study of Romantic Elements in the Poetry of Khalil Mataran and Mamousta Besarani

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Arabic Language and Literature, in Kurdistan University

2 PhD student in Arabic Language and Literature, Hamedan, Bu Ali Sina University

3 Student of Kurdistan University



The Romantic School was founded in the late eighteenth century under the influence of political and intellectual developments and social classes. The Characteristics of this school, as opposed to the classical school, are: emotional power, honest experience, love of beauty and exemplary patterns, strange feeling, love of the home, love of nature and melt in it. In Arabic literature, Khalil Matran is known as the pioneer of the Romantic school. The fascinating nature of Lebanon, her innate talent, gentle emotions and critical thinking helped her in this way. In Kurdish literature, Molavi is also known as the pioneer of this school.However, given that Besarani lived almost a century and half before Molavi and the characteristics of the Romantic school thrive throughout her poetry, the pioneer of the Romantic school in Kurdish literature was Bismarani, whose work has been mostly neglected by researchers. The authors of the article seek to identify this poet by the means of a descriptive-analytical method, to prove that he is a pioneer in the Romantic school and also to rely on the American adaptive school of Romantic poetry with the romantic compare and study the romantic poems of contemporary Arab poet Khalil Matran .The findings confirm that both poets are pioneers in Romanticism and have shown that both poets took advantage of all the romantic features, first describing nature then fantasy and love of the home.


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