Similarities and Differences between Central Kurdish and Persian in Terms of Historical, Cultural and Linguistic Features

Document Type : Original Article


Kurdish Department, Salahadin University. Erbil



The current study explores the similarities and differences between Central Kurdish and Farsi languages. Both of them share highly similar origins with regard to social relationships and linguistic affinities. Basically both languages were utilized by Aryan community and they are categorized as Iranian and Zagros family languages. Kurdish and Farsi languages were spoken by both Aryan race people as their homelands. This study draws from library method and linguistic documents and, accordingly, proves through examples that Kurdish and Farsi languages are in one language group or family. Therefore, there are linguistic similarities between them. However, there are stark differences. Finally, grammatical and historical documents helped prove that although both have the same origin and they have had a common historical trend with many similarities, Kurdish and Farsi are regarded as two different neighboring languages and each of them is considered to be an independent national language.


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