A Critical Study of the Translation of Hafiz Ghazals into Kurdish

Document Type : Original Article


1 Institute of Training and Educational Development, Sulaimaniyah, Iraqi Kurdistan

2 Director of Educational Supervision, Sulaymaniyah, Iraqi Kurdistan



Hafiz is considered as one of the greatest composers of ghazal in Persian literature. His poems are popular and everyone enjoys reading his poetry. It is the conflicted world and the difficult situation resulting from the political pressure of the poet's era combined with his aesthetic sense which led to the production of these valuable poems. Since Hafez talks about the world and the Hereafter, his poems are said to include both mystical heavenly ghazals and worldly love ones. Due to the fact that his poems are considered as world masterpieces, Hafiz had a great influence on the poets all over the world and Kurdish poets are not an exception. The present study seeks to review and evaluate the poetic style of the Kurdish translations of Hafiz by the Kurdish poet, Omar Salih Sahib, published under the title The Love Waterfall. Following a descriptive-analytical method, this paper first addresses translation basics, translation types, and the validity or invalidity of translating poetry. Then, some of the translated ghazals into Kurdish are selected as samples and examined regarding rhythm, rhyme, linguistic aspects, rhetoric, poetic deviation, and all the required poetic techniques.


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