Comparative Studies in Central Kurdish Literature: The Role and Impact of Alaaddin Sajadi

Document Type : Original Article


PhD in Arabic Language and Literature, BA in Kurdish Language and Literature, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran.



It is almost two centuries or more from the beginning of comparative literature and its studies. The origin of this aspect of literature was the center of Europe, especially in France and Germany. The significance of comparative studies was evident for the scholars of most of nations and since then they have endeavored for promotion and improvement of these types of studies. Kurdish scholars were not unaware of this process and have diligently done their best. The early deployment of the term comparative literature and its forerunner is substantial in any kind of literature in general and Kurdish literature in particular. The reason of which is that the comparative studies demonstrate the level of knowledge and efforts of the owner of that literature. The prevalent credence to the origin of comparative literature and the first Kurdish comparative study in Kurdish literature in general and Middle literature in particular is that Aziz Gardi is the first figure who has deployed the term comparative literature in the seventh and eighth decades of the twentieth century and performed the first Kurdish comparative study. This study seeks to shed light on the process of deployment of the term comparative literature and the first comparative study in Kurdish literature based on analytical-descriptive method. The most significant conclusion is that the Kurdish scholars have familiarity with comparative literature and indeed they have done comparative study in the middle of the twentieth century. Alaaddin Sajadi has deployed the term comparative literature in his book The History of Kurdish Literature (1952) and compared Kurdish literature with classical literature in the world. 


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