A New Reading of Hariq’s Poetry at the Linguistic Level: Based on Nawzad Kalhor’s Revision

Document Type : Original Article


MA in Persian Language and Literature, West Azerbaijan Education, Bokan, Iran.



For all nations, classical literature in general and classical poetry, in particular, are recognized rich sources of social, cultural, ethnic, and even historical information about past events and facts. Hariq is one of the famous poets of the Central Kermanji school of poetry who lived in the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Hariq’s Divan has been revised and published several times; however, despite the revisor’s attempts, it suffers from many shortcomings such as misspellings, incorrect readings, changes, and missed letters and words resulting in making mistakes in most of the lines. On the other hand, the new revision of Hariq’s Divan by Nawzad Kalhor, in many cases, did not alleviate the problems of previous editions. Yet, it includes more mistakes compared with the earlier publications. Therefore, revising the Divans of classical poets is not complete without following scientific methodology, recognizing appropriate criteria for correction, and a critical analysis of the text. This study adopted an analytical-critical approach to correct some lines of Hariq’s Divan, based on the existing manuscripts. It seeks to show that revising the Divan’s of classical poets, apart from reading the original manuscripts as the base of correction, needs the knowledge of stylistics, prosody, and rhetorics. Recognizing these mistakes can help future revisors and prevent similar mistakes.


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