Examining the Rhetorical Treatments in the Works of Mawlawi Tawagozi

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Gorgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan, Iran.



Iranian scientists have played a significant role in the area of Islamic sciences. They have a special contribution to and a special place in rhetorics, to the extent that it can be claimed that the major developments of rhetorics were mostly achieved by the Iranians. Major examples of the figures include Imam al-Haramain, Imam Muhammad Ghazali, Imam Fakhr Razi, Qazi Azad Eji, Allama Taftazani, Allameh Devani, and Mohaghegh Seyyed Sharif Jurjani. The evidence for this claim is the extensive and diverse works that exist in this field. One of these rhetoricians, the late Seyyed Abdul Rahim, who is also known as Mawlawi Tawagozi, contributed to the field in the form of poetry due to his mastery of rhetorics and theology. His poems "Al-Fadilah" and "Al-Aqeedah al-Mardiyeh" cover all common theological topics. It is well known that the famous scholar and expert teacher Mulla Abdul Karim Modares has described it in simple Arabic language as "Al-Wasila".   Throughout the present article some of Mawlawi’s rhetorical and theological opinions have been examined.
.Keywords: theology, Ash'arites, Rumi Kurd, analysis, adaptation


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