The Use of Satire by Aghakokey Bedary

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Lecturer, Department of Kurdish Language, Faculty of Humanities, University of Zakho, Zakho, Iraqi Kurdistan



Aghakokey Bedary, who lived in the eighteenth century, was a poet who is not very well-known to the contemporary reader. Apologetically, his entire works in poetry have not been published yet, except for a number of his poems that were published separately. One of the prominent themes and techniques in his poems is the use of satire.  This technique was commonly used by the classical poets as it is considered a type of lyrical poetry. The current study is based on a descriptive analytical method. A comprehensive theoretical background about satire is given in the first part of the study. Then, some of Bedary’s poems, served as data in this study, are practically analyzed to show how satire is used. The results are displayed in tables. The results indicate that satire is used in three poems from the four poems that the researcher used a data. Hence, it can be said that most of his poems contains satire. This technique by Bedarey has attracted the attention of many readers. Technically, Bedarey has not targeted a specific person or name for his mockery in his poems. Instead, he has mocked religious figures, groups of people, intellects, animals, and even birds. Finally, it is clear that most of his poems contain religious satire as well as social satire.


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