Analyzing Kurdish Children’s Poetry: A Case Study of Children, Environment, and Environmental Poetry

Document Type : Original Article


1 M.A. Student in Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Language and Literature, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor in Persian Language and Literature, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran.


In contrast to previous centuries, where children and their literature were not considered important, they are now recognized as significant. Meanwhile, literature, as one of the contexts that connect children to the world around them, is now more intertwined with their childish feelings, pleasure, and desires. In literature, poetry holds a special place, and when it comes to children's poetry, it requires a delicate approach due to its specific standards.  The present study aims to analyze children and childhood stages in two poetic works for children, while evaluating their poetic characteristics according to the theoretical standards of children's poetry. The research method employed in this study is analytical, and data is collected through library research. The findings of the study suggest that the analyzed works do not take into account children's feelings and desires. Instead, adult themes are imposed upon children's texts. The works also disregard the standards of children's poetry, lacking in children's poetic language and imagination in both content and form. Additionally, the use of multiple symbols, ironies, and didactic language are among the characteristics observed in the two poetic works published in Southern Kurdistan.


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