A Study of Semantic Enhancement in the Kurdish Translation of Khayyam’s Quaternaries by Abdul Rahman Sharfakandi

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University of Mahabad, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran


This article explores the mechanisms behind creating semantic enrichment in Abdurrahman Sharfakandi's translation of Khayyam's quatrains. To accomplish this objective, a comparative-analytical qualitative research method was utilized. The process involved isolating quatrains suitable for free translation, analyzing the linguistic changes and additions made in the Kurdish translation compared to the original Persian poems, and investigating how these modifications contribute to semantic enhancement. The findings suggest that "addition" is more frequently observed in translations and plays a more significant role in enhancing semantics. Analyzing these additions reveals that the translator's primary objective is to convey the ideology clearly and dispel any associated ambiguities. This approach has led to a clarification of meanings and, at times, reinterpretation of verses that were previously ambiguous in Khayyam's poetry, thereby enhancing the overall meaning. Furthermore, the analysis of the changes and their impact on enhancing semantics reveals that these modifications are predominantly influenced by cultural factors, aiming to establish cultural equivalences that are suitable for the Kurdish language. These adaptations enable Kurdish readers to better comprehend the concepts presented in the translation. Notably, these changes also reflect shifts in the poet's ideological dimensions that may not align with the contemporary Islamic and religious perspectives of the audience.
