Renewal Features in the Structure of Dilzar's Poetic Forms

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Kurdish language and literature, University of Soran

2 Kurdish department, Art Faculty, Soran University, Erbil, Iraq


As an innovative Kurdish poet, Dilzar has made significant advancements in the form of his poetry, giving his work a fresh and distinct character. This study aims to explore the innovative changes that have transformed Kurdish poetry during his time, alongside other pioneering poets. The evolution of poetic forms in Kurdish poetry is a dynamic and diverse subject that some innovative Kurdish poets have explored thoughtfully, producing poetry that pushes boundaries. Dilzar is among those poets who have extensively experimented with various artistic forms, making his work a unique subject for research. adopting literary theory and an analytical-descriptive approach, this study examines the poems in his Divan that showcase his use of poetic forms. By accurately defining and clarifying these forms, this research fills gaps left by previous studies and will assist future researchers in exploring the artistic forms in poetry.
