Reflection of Culture in Language: Analyzing the word “Dūgyan” in Kurdish

Document Type : Original Article


Ph. D in Arabic language and literature; Bachelor of Kurdish language and literature; Teacher of Education of Kurdistan Province, District 2, Sanandaj; Professor of Farhangian University, Sanandaj, Kurdistan province


The words in each language carry a cultural background and can reflect the worldview of their creators and speakers throughout history. Initially, the semantic fields were quite limited, but through continuous experiences in nature and society, humans gradually expanded them. Birth and parenting represent fundamental human experiences, leading people to assign them a place in language and create specific words. As a child develops in a woman's womb, she is perceived differently, undergoing a transformation in how she is viewed. In the Kurdish language today, various terms exist for a pregnant woman, with "dūgyan" appearing to be unique to Kurds and holding significant cultural significance, offering insights into the Kurdish worldview. This article aims to explore the term "dūgyan" using a descriptive-analytical approach to unveil its cultural and linguistic nuances. A key finding of this study is that "dūgyan" reflects the Kurdish perspective on humanity in general and women in particular, showcasing deep respect for mothers and their children as living beings.  The revered term "dūgyan" may be traced back to the matriarchal era of two to three thousand years ago, potentially originating from female creators. Moreover, the structure of this word reveals one of the earliest methods of word formation in the Kurdish language.
